
韓語口譯價位語言翻譯公司 The LG V20 — like the V10翻譯社 G5, and G4 before it — is a well-rounded camera performer. You can expect clear, vibrant, color accurate photos, even in some of the more challenging of lighting conditions. Video is bright, stable翻譯社 and true to LG’s word翻譯社 sounds great with Hi-Fi audio quality — an area most manufacturers tend to neglect. The auto focus was smooth and locked on quick, although it wasn’t anywhere near as quick as the Galaxy S7 which excels in this area. LG V20跟V10, G5翻譯社 G4一樣,是一個整體來講不錯的相機,照片很是清楚、豔麗,顏色也非常契合實景, 就算在弱光的環境下也有必然的體現翻譯拍影片異常明亮,鏡頭不會有太多晃悠。音質更是沒話講 完完全全賜顧幫襯到喜好用高音質錄影的客戶 自動對焦速度快 但跟S7比照舊差了一截 When compared against other shooters, the LG V20 almost always had a much more accurate white balance, one that perfectly captures the scene (devices like the iPhone or Galaxy S7 tended to make everything much more warm). Contrast was great and the V20 rarely blew out images by overexposing翻譯社 something that can’t be said for most other devices. 白平衡->跟其他廠商比相對準確,不像S7跟IPHONE一樣會有偏暖的環境 樣張不會過度暴光 While video looks great, the quality takes a big dip when using the electronic image stabilization (a given since the software has to zoom in on video to smooth out shakes). It doesn’t help that there was some noticeable artifacting we noticed while shooting in 4K, even when choosing the highest quality video setting. 雖然影片看起來不錯,可是插手EIS(電子防手震)今後品質會急忙下降 (因為是靠著放大畫面裁切邊緣看起來輕易震動明顯的部門) 4K攝影會有許多顯明的人工後製處理,就算品質調成最高也沒用->不天然 In the end, the result of the LG V20’s camera hardware is a more versatile and reliable shooting experience than what most other manufacturers are offering. Those curious to see how well these features translate to the real world can find sample photos/video from the LG V20 down below. Let us know what you think. V20的攝影硬體跟其他廠商比起來更具有多樣化的功能 其餘的請點進貫穿連接看照片


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